January 2022, A portrait for my birthday

I decided to draw myself a birthday present… a portrait of my Robbie. As I was drawing myself this portrait I had several people ask me to do a commission (draw their pet) for them, and some were asking if they could purchase some of the other works I did, so, Creations Fine Art by Irena is kind of born. I wasn’t completely back to myself after the second surgery on my knee to repair the damage from the car accident and still unable to sit for long periods of time, I kept the “business” to just selling the works I was doing and not excepting commissions (or if I did take on a commission from someone I knew on a personal level, they knew and understood it would take me much longer then it should take me to do a piece.) By the end of Jan 2021, I had launched my website www.creationsfineartbyirena.com and my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Creationsfineartbyirena

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